Production process

The production process of a compost tank involves several stages, from design and material selection to assembly and quality control. Here is an overview of the typical production process for a compost tank:

Design and Engineering: The first step is to design the compost tank based on the desired capacity, dimensions, and functionality. The design takes into account factors such as aeration, moisture control, and ease of loading and unloading. Engineers also consider the structural integrity and durability of the tank.

Material Preparation and Processing: Suitable materials are selected for manufacturing the fermentation tanks based on the design requirements. Common materials include stainless steel which is corrosion-resistant, and carbon steel which provides support. These materials undergo processes such as cutting, bending, welding, and assembly to create the various components of the fermentation tanks.

Surface Treatment: After the tank is manufactured or fabricated, surface treatment may be applied to enhance its durability and resistance to corrosion. This can include applying protective coatings or liners to the outer surfaces of the tank to prevent rusting. Inner surfaces of the tank are made of 304 stainless steel which is corrosive to the manure inside.

Installation and Assembly: The next step is to install and assemble the compost tank at the factory. This involves positioning the tank on a stable foundation and connecting it to the necessary plumbing or aeration systems. The tank may also be equipped with access points for loading, unloading, and monitoring the compost.
