Tri-Bar Slatted Floors' selection of pig nipple lesions

Due to the rough contact surface of the slatted floor made of cast iron, the nipple of the suckling sows raised in the positioning pens rubs against it, causing various mammary gland diseases, causing milk degeneration, and also causing disease in piglets. Seriously affect the reproductive performance and breeding life of sows. During the weaning period, the piglets stay on the high bed with the sow, and no bedding is placed in the pen. The piglets are in direct contact with hard surfaces such as pig iron and concrete regardless of whether they play, feed, or rest. Irreversible necrosis and degeneration of the piglets’ nipple also occur. , Especially for breeding piglets, the effective teat is seriously affected. The breeding value decreases and the breeding rate of the entire piglet decreases, leading to an increase in breeding costs. In order to reduce friction, Tri-Bar Slatted Floors and plastic slatted floors with a smooth surface are mostly used.
